Podcast Strategy Development

This is the first, and most important part of creating a new podcast .... and the one that, sadly, most people skip right past!

This is where we'll work together to make sure that podcasting is right for you and your business - will it actually help you reach your business goals?

We'll discuss time commitment, target audience, topics and themes, style, tone, and production quality. These basics set the stage for everything that comes next!

Podcast setup

This is the most detailed part of setting up your podcast and includes everything everything from graphic design to setting up podcast distribution to writing descriptions, creating new social media accounts, determining the recorded structure of the podcast and more.

Multiracial hosts doing interview while streaming podcast together at home studio - Focus on microphone

Content planning

I can help you identify and acquire guests, develop episode outlines, create interview questions and more. Alternatively, I can teach your staff how to do and structure these tasks to keep your podcast running smoothly.


There are a lot of options available for podcast production - from very simple audio production on your phone or computer to very high-quality audio and video production. My team can handle whatever needs arise during our strategy session. Or, we can train your team how to manage it themselves!


If you need marketing support once the podcast is launched, I can help you with that as well. Blog posts, social media accounts, email newsletters...let's discuss the best way to use the podcast content to the advantage of your business.

Want to learn more?

Book a meeting